Topological reconstruction of oil reservoirs from seismic surfaces
Geovan Tavares, Rogério Santos, Hélio Lopes, Thomas Lewiner, Antônio Wilson Vieira
International Association for Mathematical Geology (september 2003)
The characterization of oil reservoirs has as one of its components the study of their geometry and topology. While the geometry deals with spatial distribution of points and its associated properties, e.g. permeability and porosity, the topology handles its connectivity. One of the main characteristics of seismic processing is the generation of large data sets. Computationally intensive powerful techniques are needed to extract meaningful information from these data. The main objective of the talk will be to show how to reconstruct geological objects (channels, lobes, etc.) directly from seismic data. The data is piled up in offset groups in such a way as to get information from the seismic aiming at the geological modeling.Downloads:
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@inproceedings{reservoir_recons_iamg,author = {Geovan Tavares and Rogério Santos and Hélio Lopes and Thomas Lewiner and Antônio Wilson Vieira},
title = {Topological reconstruction of oil reservoirs from seismic surfaces},
year = {2003},
month = {september},
booktitle = {International Association for Mathematical Geology},
address = {Portsmouth, UK},
url = {\url{http://thomas.lewiner.org/pdfs/reservoir_recons_iamg.pdf}}