Geometric invariant calculus and estimation: an introduction to Euclidean and affine geometries

Geometric invariant calculus and estimation: an introduction to Euclidean and affine geometries
Maria Andrade, Thomas Lewiner


Book published in the context of the 28th Brazilian Mathematical Colloquium.


PDF paper (11.6 MB)
Keynote presentation (534 MB)
Geometric invariant calculus and estimation: an introduction to Euclidean and affine geometries


    author = {Maria Andrade and Thomas Lewiner},
    title = {Geometric invariant calculus and estimation: an introduction to Euclidean and affine geometries},
    year = {2011},
    month = {july},
    publisher = {IMPA},
    address = {Rio de Janeiro},
    note = {in portuguese},
    url = {\url{}}

Last modifications on July 3rd, 2013