The Visual Computer - Special Issue on SIBGRAPI 2011
Thomas Lewiner, Ricardo Torres (editors)
This special issue of The Visual Computer contains expanded versions of eight papers presented at Sibgrapi 2011, the 24th Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images. Sibgrapi is the most traditional meeting in Latin America on Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision. In 2011, Sibgrapi was hosted in the beautiful city of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, being organized by the Instituto de Matemática of Universidade Federal de of Alagoas, and supported by Petrobras, CNPq, CAPES, FAPEAL, UFAL, SBM, and SBC.Thanks to The Visual Computer’s editor in chief Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, this issue presents eight papers selected from a pool of 46 papers presented during the technical sessions of the conference. They represent the main topics inside visual computing, from computational topology and modeling to rendering, visualization, and simulation.
@article{sibgrapi_tvc,author = {Thomas Lewiner and Ricardo Torres (editors)},
title = {The Visual Computer - Special Issue on SIBGRAPI 2011},
year = {2012},
month = {october},
journal = {The Visual Computer},
volume = {28},
number = {10},
pages = {957--1048},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/s00371-012-0750-8},
url = {\url{http://thomas.lewiner.org/pdfs/sibgrapi_tvc.pdf}}