Proceedings 24th Sibgrapi Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images
Thomas Lewiner, Ricardo Torres (editors)
Sibgrapi 2011, the 24th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images was held in the marvelous city of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. To prepare this edition, we tried to revere the surrounding region of the Brazilian Nordeste by strongly involving researchers working in universities of that region in the organization of the different workshops of Sibgrapi 2011. Thanks to the dynamism of the general chairs, Professors Adelailson Peixoto, Dimas Martínez and Thales Vieira, we achieved a broad conference, opened from young students to international professionals through the several plenary talks, tutorials, workshops, festivals, and social activities. In particular, we had four very high quality plenary talks: Mathieu Desbrun (Caltech) on "Applied geometry for computer graphics and simulation"; James Wang (Penn State Unisversity) on "Automatic image tagging and aesthetic quality inferencing"; Alejandro C. Frery (UFAL) on "Information-theoric approaches for the analysis of speckled data"; and finally Claudio Silva (New York Univeristy) on "Measuring visualization correctness and effectiveness".We also paid a lot of attention to the technical papers this year, significantly increasing the number of international committee members, improving the review process, and reforming the selection criteria to better cope with the diversity of areas of Sibgrapi. We received 123 submissions in the first phase, a significant increase compared to previous year. It should be mentioned that the overall quality of submissions was very good this year. During the double blind review process, we achieved motivating several discussions between the 176 referees and, after the disclosing of the reviews, with the authors. We discussed the acceptance of each paper with the reviewers and, for almost all papers, achieved a unanimous decision, leading to 46 technical papers accepted for presentation during the event.
The richness of the technical papers can be mainly credited to the authors, who have chosen Sibgrapi to submit their work, and to the reviewers, who dedicated a lot of their valuable time in the revision, discussion and final approval period. We also would like to thank the local organization committee, the several committees in charge of the different technical activities, the invited speakers, the session chairs, and the tutorial instructors. Finally, we are grateful to several institutions which were involved directly or indirectly in the organization of Sibgrapi 2011: Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), and the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).
PDF paper (10.3 MB)BibTeX:
@proceedings{sibgrapi_ieee,author = {Thomas Lewiner and Ricardo Torres (editors)},
title = {Proceedings 24th Sibgrapi Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images},
year = {2011},
month = {august},
volume = {24},
publisher = {IEEE},
url = {\url{http://thomas.lewiner.org/pdfs/sibgrapi_ieee.pdf}}